


July 2019

Coach House welcomes the Introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Global awareness of modern slavery (slavery, forced labour, servitude, and human traffic) is rising.

Structure and Supply Chains

Chairs Limited Trading as Coach House is a trade only business selling Furniture, Accessories, Floral, Seasonal and Outdoor goods. We are leaders in our field, having been established for over 35 years, and operate out of our base in Lancashire with approximately 200 employees covering Sales, Operations and Warehousing.

We source from Asia and South East Asia in the main, together with India, parts of Europe and the UK. Our customers are comprised of independent retailers, hoteliers, interior designers and property developers.

Each of our suppliers has received a copy of this statement which sets out our expectations with regard to our prohibition of modern slavery.

Our suppliers are identified through trade fairs and while some will inevitably be new to us, we have been dealing with the majority for many years. Our main suppliers are visited on a regular basis by local agents who check for compliance with our policies. Our owners also visit suppliers and check the running of factories and that standards are maintained. We operate in an open and honest way with our suppliers and pride ourselves on prompt payment and maintaining excellent working relationships with them.

We operate a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure our suppliers comply with our policies we require them to read, confirm their understanding and sign up to our requirements.

We work in partnership with one Freight Forwarder, who are committed to improving their practices to combat slavery and human trafficking to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in any part of their business.

We operate a simple “straight line” supply chain:

supplier base → overseas port → UK port → Warehouse → Customer

We are a carbon neutral company and will strive to maintain this throughout our supply chain and are implementing a sustainable packaging programme across 2020.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Coach House sources product from India, Indonesia and China in the main as well as the UK, and works closely and collaboratively with our suppliers. We inspect them regularly and expect the highest standards.

We are committed to prohibiting any form of modern slavery from our supply chain. Our inspectors are aware of the importance we attach to integrity and doing the right thing. They are encouraged to report any incident of ethical concern that they witness, including forced labour, child labour, human trafficking or any other human rights abuses.

While no country or industry can be immune from the risks of modern slavery, it is everyone’s responsibility to take steps to guard against such risks, and we at Coach House support safe and voluntary employment within our suppliers and supply chain. We acknowledge how modern slavery and abusive labour conditions can be sustained through the procurement of goods from unethical suppliers.

We therefore encourage the reporting of any malpractice in this regard to our local agents and are developing general policies on recruitment, worker integration and protection. We hope these will embed a culture of learning in our suppliers.

Due Diligence and Risk Assessment

Our due diligence includes the routine assessment of risks posed by our operations.

These include risks at our suppliers, in our freight forwarding, and in our warehouse operations and office functions.

We carry our appropriate due diligence when engaging with our suppliers. Included in this is an assessment of modern slavery risk.

Action Taken to Address Modern Slavery

Coach House expects all our suppliers to fully co-operate with our Modern Slavery Policy and any subsequent investigations into abuses.

Coach House expects all suppliers to comply with all forced labour laws and to take steps to prevent human trafficking and slavery.

If any poor labour practices are identified, and there is an opportunity to influence these, Coach House will work with a supplier to achieve better practices.

In serious cases, Coach House will immediately cease contractual relations with that supplier.

Training on Modern Slavery and Trafficking

We offer guidance on Modern Slavery and Trafficking to all suppliers. This is either though our local factory visits or direct from our UK base.


This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you.

Coach House is a privately owned Limited company.


- What information do we collect about you?

- Information we don’t collect/store

- How we use your information?

- Marketing

- Cookies and Other websites

- How to request/update the information we hold about you

- How long do we hold your information?

- Changes to our Privacy Policy

- How to contact us

- Further Information regarding your privacy

What Information do we collect about you?

The personal information we collect about you may include your name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, company and VAT number, other company invoices and tenancy agreements. We also collect your IP address if you use our website. Some of this information is requested on our online trade application form, at trade shows, over the phone or by email after you have submitted a trade application request.

Information we don’t collect/store

We do not store credit card or other payment information although we do take this information over the phone when taking payments. Payment information will be requested every time we require payment.

How we use your information

The information we collect is used to determine if you meet our criteria for becoming a trade customer, your personal information will assist us in identifying the following:

- To check companies house and confirm your business credentials

- We use tenancy agreements as evidence of your retail /business activities

- If you have ever held any previous accounts

- Where your company is located and operates from

We use your registered email address to contact you on a regular basis regarding your outstanding orders and other important communication which relates to the efficient running of your B2B trade account with Coach House.

We do not sell, distribute or lease your personal data to any third parties.


We occasionally send emails to registered trade business account holders at the address you have provided us with as part of the trade application process. Our emails will be relevant to the design, furniture and giftware industry and may include offers relating to upcoming trade shows.

You can choose not to receive these marketing emails at any time by either contacting us or clicking the unsubscribe link which will be on every email we send.

Cookies and other websites

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. For further information please visit www.aboutcookies.org

You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result. We may link to other websites from our website at www.coachhouse.com. This Privacy Policy only applies to the Coach House website and you should read the Privacy Policy of any other website that you visit.

How to request/update the information we hold about you

To find out what information we hold about you please call us on 01282 682666 or email: privacy@coachhouse.com We may need to confirm your identity to receive your personal information so please send your request from an email that we can verify. If you think the information we hold is incorrect then we will update this at your request.

How long do we hold your information

We hold your company and invoicing information for 7 years to comply with HMRC, while you have an active trade account we need to retain all current contact information including your email address and phone numbers. If you no longer have an active trade account we will remove your email address and phone numbers from our system after a period of 90 days from when your account becomes inactive.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We will make all changes to our Privacy Policy on this document and update it to our website at www.coachhouse.com/policies  

How to contact us

You can contact us by any of the following methods:

Email: privacy@coachhouse.com

Phone: 01282 682 666

Fax: 01282 682 667


Metcalf Drive

Altham Industrial Estate

Altham, Accrington



Further information regarding your privacy Information regarding privacy laws can be found at the Information Commissioners

Website at https://www.ico.org.uk or you can visit https://www.eugdpr.org/


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